
Call of Duty:WWII | Atualização traz mudanças para equilibrar armas

Este fim de semana marca o fim do evento da Resistência de COD:WWII e, como tal, é o último fim de semana para jogar com XP em dobro. Este fim de semana também marca o lançamento da próxima atualização do jogo, que reequilibra várias armas e muda a velocidade de mirar para muitas armas.

A Sledgehammer detalhou o patch no Reddit hoje, e é destacado por mudanças significativas nas velocidades  de ADS. Mais interessante, as Snipers Kar98K e M1903 terão suas velocidades ADS reduzidas, a fim de diminuir ligeiramente a eficácia do quickscoping. LMGs, SMGs e Rifles, enquanto isso, terão suas velocidades base de ADS aumentadas.

Quanto às mudanças para equilibrar outras armas, a MP-40 receberá alguma atenção, tendo seu recuo melhorado para que seja mais parecida com a PPSh-41. A SVT-40 também teve seu recuo diminuído, mas um aumento da propagação do hip-fire, tudo para igualr a M1 Garand.

Você pode ler abaixo o patch note completo. (Em inglês)


  • Buffed base ADS times and buffed ADS in from sprint times (ADS sprint out times match ADS from sprint times)


  • Buffed base ADS transition times, but not ADS from sprint times/ADS sprint out times, in an effort to maintain a difference between the SMG and AR class playstyles

Snipers: Kar98k and M1903

  • Nerfed ADS transition times (a slight quickscoping nerf)


  • Buffed base ADS times

Note: Base ADS times for SMGs are faster than Rifles, and Rifles are faster than LMGs. In other words, there is now more of a distinction between class playstyles.



  • Buffed recoil in an effort to have a more competitive SMG on par with the PPSh-41

FG 42

  • Nerfed fire rate so that the damage output is more in line with other weapons in its class


  • Buffed recoil in an effort to make it more manageable to shoot down range and give a better contrast to the M1 Garand
  • Nerfed hip spread to match the M1 Garand’s in an effort to decrease the ability to quickly kill opponents at closer ranges


  • Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly slower than the Gewehr 43)

Gewehr 43

  • Buffed fire rate in an effort to make it a more competitive choice amongst the other rifles (still slightly faster than M1A1)
  • Buffed recoil (closer to that of M1A1)
  • Buffed clip size to be 12 rounds per clip instead of 10

M30 Luftwaffe Drilling

  • Buffed damage per pellet to be on par with the recent Sawed-Off Shotgun changes so that this shotgun now has a more automatic 2-shot kill and a slightly more forgiving one-shot kill
  • Buffed shotgun damage range, so that it’s now more feasible to finish off an opponent who didn’t die from a rifle bullet
  • Buffed ADS spread to allow for greater accuracy when shooting enemies that are outside of the obvious shotgun range (while ADS)

Toggle Action

  • Buffed clip size to be 8 shots per clip instead of 6 in an effort to allow players to have more success with this weapon
  • Nerfed ADS spread to be on par with other shotguns (besides the M30)

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